Friday, November 21, 2008

Nearing the end of my busy break

Contrary to popular belief, triathlon is not a summer sport, but rather a 50 week per year sport with races starting in the spring and ending in winter. This year, I started racing in April and ended in mid-November, only now getting a two-week hiatus. Every year, I think that my two week break will be an incredibly restful and rejuvenating tri-free respite. The truth is, while I don't train over these fourteen days, my world still revolves around sport.

As a product of equal parts procrastination, corporate timing and the fact that I actually have a block of free time, this becomes a hectic time where I try to line up sponsors for the next season, plan for the next season and catch up on everything that I've ignored (with the exception of email- I'm still terrible at that!). Throw in a bit of socializing, hiking, the occasional games of ultimate frisbee and afternoons at the Boys and Girls Club and I find that I never have the free time that I had anticipated! Would I have it any other way? Probably not! While I dislike the lack of training (and the subsequent 3+ lb weight gain!), I need this two-week break from training to refresh my mind and body. More importantly, however, my busy work would probably never be done if I didn't have this period of time. That being said, I return to light training on Sunday and I couldn't be more excited. Bring on the 2009 season!

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