Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Back to blog-land

The best part about jetting off to training camps is that you are able to completely absorb yourself in training to the exclusion of everything else. For three weeks in Maui, I was able to focus solely on swimming, biking and running (and eating and sleeping- the frequently unrecognized fourth and fifth sports that make up the triathlon) and actually checked my email daily. This singular focus that makes a training camp so wonderful, however, is also what makes a return from camp so difficult.

When I came back to Colorado Springs last week, I was inundated with tasks that I had pushed aside for at least three weeks (I'm an excellent procrastinator), the most engrossing entailing a move from the Olympic Training Center dorms to a house off-campus. Combine moving my stuff from Boulder, sorting through numerous boxes of clutter and setting up a house with utilities etc. with my training and re-acclimation to altitude and it should be pretty apparent why it has taken me a couple of weeks to return to the blogosphere. That being said, Lauren Groves/ Gunnison/ Gigi, knowing how much I normally avoid the computer, correctly predicted that the frequency of my blogging would drop off substantially upon leaving Maui, where everyone spent countless hours in the tubes (I still don't understand the appeal).

Anyway, I'm back in Colorado, busting out my cold weather clothes for training, and getting back into a regular routine, including hanging out with my kids at the Boys and Girls Club. I am happy to report that my skills at Connect Four have not diminished in my time away from the club. There is quite a few new members to the club, so I am presented with the daunting task of both remembering names and learning new ones- never a strength of mine.

As a side note, I've noticed that I have an overwhelming number of blankets and pillows. Our kitchen is also incredibly stocked with great cooking tools and utensils, especially considering the fact that we have no couch, kitchen table or chairs. Based on my possessions, sleeping and eating are extraordinarily high priority tasks for me (like I said before- they are the fourth and fifth sports in triathlon). Okay, back to packing. There will be more updates to come! Someday...


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