Saturday, February 21, 2009

Positivity, Sarah-style

When I woke up this morning, I was scowling, mad-at-the-world cranky. I'm tired, two weeks into a training block, and when I woke up, it was 12 degrees out (-11C). Furthermore, I would have to somehow muster the energy to get a bike and run workout in before 12, when I have swim practice. At this juncture, I had three options: ride inside on the Computrainer, feeling sorry for myself the entire time, ride outside and feel sorry for myself, or turn my foul mood around and make the best of my day. Since nobody likes a whiner (decidedly un-BAMFy), I resolved to make the most of the situation. Starting with breakfast, I mentally catalogued reasons to get into a more upbeat mood (I hear it already: "Oh Saucy, you are so American!").

Here are my reasons for being positive today:
-My spiced pumpkin pancakes with real maple syrup (so expensive out in CO that I might as well put gold flakes on my breakfast). I had to pull out the big guns, pre-ride.
-Raven's Nest coffee, times two
-My SRM's temperature function, proving that I'm not as soft as I previously feared (negative degrees Celcius at the start!)
-Coach JT's understanding of my love-hate relationship with numbers, specifying that I just do my hill repeats and not look at my watts
-Joe's box of cycling clothes that he has held onto for the past 15 years, providing me with ear warmers and lined vest
-My complete lack of wardrobe shame. Star-spangled Groff with pink leg warmers? Not a good look.
- Living within 30 seconds of Monument Valley trail
-Planning tomorrow's dinner (and, yes, I pulled out cookbooks in transition)
-No wolf-like dogs spotted (I'm in the middle of Sharp Teeth). I did see a black standard poodle, however, which made me think of Grovesy's obsession- always a reason to smile.
- Getting swim, bike and run workouts in before 1pm.
-The Flobots' "Handlebars"- my new, I-can-conquer-the-world song
-The realization that, while I willingly head out on my bike in freezing temperatures, I am a pretty lucky person to be able to do this for a living.

Happy training,

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Ah yes, the cookbooks in transition are KEY for a successful session. The funny thing is that you could still plan a four-course meal with a shopping list and get out the door before I even think about looking for my run gear!
Miss training with you, Star-Spangled Groff!