Saturday, January 16, 2010

Congrats, Emily and Scott!

New ITA athlete, bobsledder and all-around awesome person, Emily Azevedo, has made the 2010 Olympic team, along with her equally awesome (but not yet ITA-affiliated) partner, Bree Schaaf. I've been fortunate enough to get to know Emily through our training at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs. I was able to see the bobsledders training in the weight room (I'd be doing my wimpy core routine) and was pretty flabbergasted by their box jumps. Man, do they have power! These girls have worked HARD to get this spot. It is great to see their dedication pay off.

In other ITA news, Scott Blackmun, a great friend of the organization and Colorado Springs resident, was recently named to lead the USOC. I had the opportunity to have dinner with him but was detained in Boulder by a longer-than-expected training session. Man, am I regretting that!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks Sarah! I will miss you in the Springs. Good luck with your new adventures.