Monday, January 5, 2009

To Joe, on his 40th Birthday

When I went to my first World Cup in Madrid a few years ago, I didn't know a single person at the race, American or otherwise. I had only done a couple of domestic pro races prior to going and was acutely aware that I was in over my head. I remember being incredibly nervous, intimidated and overwhelmed (not surprising, considering my complete lack of experience in the sport). Before long, however, I was fortunate enough to meet a cheerful, outgoing American triathlete named Joe Umphenour, who took me under his wing.

Over time, Joe has served the role of mentor and friend to me, as well as being a source of inspiration. Joe turned 40 today and continues to perform incredibly well. While he might occasionally complain about age-related aches and pains, he keeps on bouncing along like the source of his nickname, Tigger. He even managed to finish his 2008 season with a win at the Singapore Continental Cup, soundly beating men half his age! While Joe is undoubtedly blessed with some serious talent, I can't help but be amazed by his drive and dedication. There is no job in the world that Joe would rather do and he continues to bring this passion for triathlon to his training, year after year.

Joe and I are extraordinarily lucky to be in a sport where you can continue racing at a high level into your late 30s and early 40s. There are few sports where 38 year old women race competitively against women still in their teens. I look to older athletes such as a Joe and Samantha Warriner, ranked #1 in the World Cup series at the age of 37 (after taking up the sport at 30!), as an indication of how long I can pursue triathlon. While I doubt that I will be racing professionally into my 40s, older athletes prove time and time again that we are capable of improvement despite the progression of time, as long as we maintain a Joe-like enthusiasm for the sport.

So here's to Joe on his 40th birthday! Thank you for being my mentor, my friend and, most importantly, proving that "Age ain't nothin' but a number".


Zoila Gomez said...

Sarah- Frienships like Joe's are rare and are very special. I enjoy reading your entry and it is so nice of you that you took the time to honor Joe on his birthday...

Happy Birthday to Joe!

Kate Whitcomb said...

Hi Sarah,

What is your coming schedule for Triathlon look like? My boyfriend is pretty into the sport and I wonder if he will be at any of your races. It would be fun to come cheer you on (and maybe even jump in with the amateurs).
